Showbox Website
During my time at Showbox, the company changed its approach and target audiences.
The company became more of an B2B so a redesign was needed.
The main challenge was to find a balance between the brand’s existing edgy style and a new style which is a but more marketeers orianted.
One more challange was to discover how would showbox – a studio-quality video creation tool can be represent as clear and intersting as we can.
Animation Style
During the design I tried to figure out how would the new “Showbox” will look, but more import how it will “act”.
To this cause I looked for a certain animation style that will get along with the colorful and edgy design.
I chose a bit more elegant style so the desing won’t become too noisy.
These animations you can see the animated approach toward some the different component of the site. A button, A side pop-up and a video pop-up.
Icon Styles
There were two design styles for the new website icons:
The first one is a more flat like icons that are minimalistic but still colorful.
The second style was much realistic, it actually used real footage but with a second layer of vector icon. The two layers togather generater the icon with a new deeper meaning.
The second was the one that we choose to continue with.